KIZOBAZOBA is a lingala word and describes an everday philosphy: create the best from what you’ve got! It is our motto for a creative get-together on visions for cinema as a cultural and social space in the 21st century. Meet cinema initiatives from seven African countries presenting films, cine lectures: ready to interact with you.
Since summer 2020, the Humboldt Forum has been organizing a virtual think tank together with five African cinema initiatives: the Cinema Spaces Network (CSN). In March 2022, the members will come together to present themselves, their work, initial projects and their visions to the Berlin audience. From 2–7 March, everything will revolve around the question of what cinema can, could and would like to be in 2022 and beyond – for example in Kinshasa, in Khartoum, in the South African Eastern Cape, in the Kenyan pop-up cinema at Lake Elementaita or in Burkina Faso’s cultural metropolis Bobo-Dioulasso.
Transcultural exchange
The Humboldt Forum facilitates a platform to Cinema Spaces Network for a transcultural exchange of knowledge and culturual practices. Every evening at 19.00h, the members present films in Hall 2 with a special connection to the cinema work in their region. The opening film on March 2nd will be BAAMUM NAFI (NAFI’S FATHER) by Mamadou Dia – Senegal’s Oscar candidate in the competition for the Best International Film 2021. Each evening at 5.30pm the CSN members invite you to Cine Lectures. These interactive lectures will focus on different concepts of how cinemas can become new cultural and social centers – in urban as well as in rural areas. During the day, workshops and seminars will be held at the Humboldt Forum and throughout Berlin – meetings with professionals and interested parties from various film industries.
17:00 Cine Lecture with Berni Goldblat: PHOENIX FROM ASHES
19:00 Film: BAAMUM NAFI (NAFI’S FATHER), Mamadou Dia, Senegal 2019, 109 min.
19:00 Film-Performance with Njoki Ngumi: WE WERE ALL ROOTING FOR YOU!; 90 min.
17:00 Cine Lecture with Tshoper Kabambi: LIGHT IN THE HEART OF DARKNESS
19:00 Film: LA VIE EST BELLE, Mweze Ngangura & Benoît Lamy, Belgium / Democratic Republic of Congo 1987, 83 min.
17:00 Cine Lecture with Tshoper Kabambi: LIGHT IN THE HEART OF DARKNESS
19:00 Film: LA VIE EST BELLE, Mweze Ngangura & Benoît Lamy, Belgium / Democratic Republic of Congo 1987, 83 min.
17:00 Cine Lecture with Mohamed Awad Farah: TALKING ABOUT THE REVOLUTION
19:00 Film: TALKING ABOUT TREES (BANC D’ATTENTE), Suhaib Gasmelbari, Sudan / France / Chad, 2019, 93 min.
17:00 Cine Lecture with Sydelle Willow Smith: SOUTH AFRICAN SENSIBILITIES
19:00 Film: COME BACK, AFRICA!, Lionel Rogosin, South Africa / USA, 1958, 86 min.